Les pros sur le forum…
Comme souvent je suis dans le tgv et je viens de parcourir le dernier 200 . De plus en plus de cadreurs en France sont cités dans ce magazine. Cependant je ne les vois jamais sur ce forum, alors qu’ils font quand même partie de la génération qui va bien… pour ceux qui sont en contact avec eux, vous ne voulez pas leur demander d’être plus actifs ? Parce que j’ai parfois l’impression qu’on est pas nombreux à partager sur veloartisanal … (ou alors c’est le tgv qui me rend râleur)
J’ai un peu insisté auprès de certains mais sans succès pour le moment
c’est dommage et un peu agaçant (ou alors j’ai peut être besoin de vacances, moi…)
oui dommage… après j’ai aussi l’impression que , soit il veulent garder leurs ptits secrets, soit ils ont peur de trop en montrer, soit , et ca se comprend, ils ont déjà énormément a faire du coup, rédiger de joli post sur le forum, ca fait pas franchement parti des priorités…
Le manque de temps comme raison ça ne tient pas, j’aurai du mal à croire que les carnets de commandes sont remplis à ce point. De plus, certains comme Levacon publient sur veloptimal avec les détails de géométrie et des photos de ses montages, et c’est un des plus actifs
L’idée n’est pas qu’ils fassent des posts complets comme les miens, c’est plutôt qu’ils interviennent plus pour partager le savoir faire. -
oui c’est vrai que ca ne demande pas 4h par jour…
Et c’est une vitrine gratuite pour eux
Et c’est une vitrine gratuite pour eux
en tant qu’admin, tu as les chiffres du nombre de visiteurs mensuel par exemple?
Il faut que je regarde mais de mémoire c’est pas grand chose. Je le dirai quand je trouverai ou c’est mais on a encore trop peu de recherches. Je crois que la majeure partie des visites sont issues de la recherche “Debien” dans Google, un peu triste
Hol on a moment
I posted my workshop and VEG-D says it has very little to do with the veloart… for 20 years i have been sharing secrets on forums (i posted on here many times before the forum failed) , you are wrong the sheer volume of enquiries and people asking for help can easily take up more then 4 hours i have found myself retiring to bed at 2-3 am after working all day
many have built composite bicycles on the back of my industry knowledge
I now do not sell any jigs and fixtures but here is some of my work, https://www.flickr.com/photos/151761966@N05/albums and again it is not useful as a showcase the selling of products genrate very few sales on forums the selling usually works better by word of mouth
im happy to now share my knowledge as i do not sell product, these are things we once made our lest fixture left here on the 27th of may 2017 we will never make another or any product for sale
I was telling this because the minimum was to talk about what you do, why and who you are… It seems more interactive than just posting pics of machine that nobody know about.no offense in my words…
D -
Hol on a moment
I posted my workshop and VEG-D says it has very little to do with the veloart… for 20 years i have been sharing secrets on forums (i posted on here many times before the forum failed) , you are wrong the sheer volume of enquiries and people asking for help can easily take up more then 4 hours i have found myself retiring to bed at 2-3 am after working all day
many have built composite bicycles on the back of my industry knowledge
I now do not sell any jigs and fixtures but here is some of my work, https://www.flickr.com/photos/151761966@N05/albums and again it is not useful as a showcase the selling of products genrate very few sales on forums the selling usually works better by word of mouth
im happy to now share my knowledge as i do not sell product, these are things we once made our lest fixture left here on the 27th of may 2017 we will never make another or any product for sale
I was telling this because the minimum was to talk about what you do, why and who you are… It seems more interactive than just posting pics of machine that nobody know about.no offense in my words…
D -
Hi Compositepro
my point at the very begining of this post is that proframebuilders rarely (or never) show up on this forum. When looking at velocipedsalon i see a very different trend in the US. And i also remember the former veloartisanal where most of the now experienced and sometimes established builders were very active, not always to share but very often to learn. i don’t see this anymore and it is imo frustrating.
i believe that some of them read the different posts and it would not take them a huge amount of time to give an advise here and there. Guys like Fattic, Garo or even Sachs do that, and it does not take them 4hours a day. In my experience, an advise from Eric Estlund that was written may be in less than 30 seconds brought me the help i need to improve my brazing skills.
This said i really do appreciate the fact that you step in and i thank you for that
Take it easy